Hello everybody,
I hope you are having a good day! Today I want to tell you a little bit about my love for colors.
Colors in mourning
I will never forget: when I was a little girl, my Opa (grandfather) suddenly passed away. I was very sad. In that time, it was custom in Germany, that the family had to wear all black clothing for a whole year after the death of a relative. This was supposed to reflect, that you were in mourning. For me, as a young child, it was very confusing. Beside the heartache and the tears, everybody around me started to look the same. Pale and black. I was so relieved, when the year of mourning had passed, and color started to come back into my family.
So I wanted to write a real smart blog and I checked out what Wikipedia had to say about colors. There is a lot of information – but I know, you can look that up yourself.
What do I think about colors?
I am always excited, when after a long winter the first crocus pushes it’s way through the ground.
Colors effect my mood. I tend to feel gloomy, when the days are long, dark, cold and maybe even foggy. . Every ray of sunshine, every speck of color encourages me, that this is temporary.
Colors draw attention to certain things. In times of political conflicts, a white flag symbolizes – peace. A red carpet is used to honor distinguished guests. Purple is often associated with royalty, green represents to me spring after a cold winter – new life.
There are many books written about colors, their meanings, their use etc.
If I define color, I would call them life.
Poppies and colors

I have always loved poppies. I love their fragility- and their strength. They don’t last long in a vase, and I always feel a sting of disappointment that they loose their little petals so fast. One time, a friend gave me a painting of poppies, I still have it to this day. Another friend gave me a bouquet of Poppies, and I treasured the hours, and actually days, until the last one was gone.
A few years back my husband and I traveled to Hungary and here it was, where I saw huge fields with my favorite flower. There was a strong wind, and I was amazed, that they did not fall apart. Actually it seemed to me, that they were dancing in the wind. Wow! That was a life lesson to me. Standing strong in the wind!

Poppies come in many shades of color. They played a big role in religion, politics, medicine and mythology. It’s sap has an sedative effect, the tiny black seeds are used for seasoning and baking. In our household poppyseed cake is very much loved. Now don’t panic, we are not addicts and do not use opiate. They are produced from a different poppy plant, and it has nothing to do with our subject: colors.
I love red with a tint of orange, like many Poppies display. Bright, strong, yet fragile.
4 thoughts on “Why I love colors so much”
Loved it! Very colorful!
Vielen Dank, ich freue mich, dass die Bilder dir gefallen!
I love the style and the colours. Great to know how they are in your life and art.
Thanks for your kind words!